Copyright and Usage Rights
All photos are copyrighted under UK Copyright Law.
Personal Use Photos may be downloaded for personal use as a Windows Wallpaper or for local viewing only. Photos must not be changed in any way. Photos may only be viewed on the computers screen, they must not be printed or sent to a printing agency. The photos may not be redistributed in any form without our consent.
Business, Educational, and all other non-personal uses. Photos may not be used for Business, Education or other non-personal uses without the written consent of P W Lauter. To request permission to use these photos for these uses please email detailing how you would like to use these photos. If you do not receive a reply to your request,you are to assume that consent has NOT been granted.
Copyright Law Jurisdiction This Copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of England. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this notice shall be in courts located in England, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue.
Enjoyed my photos? If you have enjoyed viewing these photos and would like to support my photography, please do consider leaving a small donation using the PayPal link below.